Hooray! TNOTP friends now get access to even more aLIVEness

Well, this is rather exciting. We've launched 'the cuphouse'. Woot! Woot! From here on out, we’ll be showering our friends with even more rad options, including exclusive skills and techniques from traditions we love, invites to events, plus heaps of newness to experience and enjoy.

The thingness begins with a ‘Meet in the field’, to bring you (and your body) a balancing experience. 中

for the love of the body, humanity, Earth and the cosmos, TNOTP is now offering some crazy wisdom and good ol’ folk medicine (skills) out loud. Gua Sha, (wet) cupping, Plum Blossom needling, non-invasive acupuncture, seeds… Wild style! with the aim of blending ancient trads, roots, innate wisdom and the intelligence of Nature with a hearty pat on the back.

wisdom being Beau offers ‘a tune in’, making it possible to balance the body with a mix of intuition, knowledge and (Qi) wisdom. Specialisation? Drawing out stagnant Qi and blood to bring back flow. The body knows what needs to be eliminated, allowing us to bypass the stories of the mind, Not only will we be able to release (old) stuff, the psychosomatic approach will also help to make heart-centred changes and grow in the direction of your destiny. Acupoints & meridians hold valuable information, when interested, intervision between Beau and Flora Joan is plausible.

sessions are held in ‘the wild’. We’re tapping in on folk medicine. That is why there’s no specific location. Both rules and regulations are out of the box (and the practice room). The place of treatment is negotiable and depending on circumstances. Can be at your hub, at ours, we work at anything appropriate really. If you’re into powerful exchanges, you might like to pop open the ritual and buddy up with friends, lovers, family members, colleagues etc (go on, be brave.)

90 min

If none of this is making much sense to you, all you need to do is pop over to the Cuphouse’s (Beau Lemmens) insta or News


Ear seeds
as simple, low tech, effective & accessible medicine. On a grassroots level. For the people, by the people. To soothe the body/spirit & calm the mind… We all have self-healing powers, the ear seeds (with some acu-pressure) will activate them.

There are (health)issues, challenging our world, but at the same time there’s a big opportunity for change & growth.

So from now on the Cuphouse will be serving (everyone of) you with a bit of free health care. We’re planning walk ins, on a regular base.

The first one is at the 4th of april

6.30 pm - 7.30 pm.

Interested? use contact form to inquire.

Feel free to share!

btw. We’re motivated to show up on festivals/events as well. Tips & ideas are welcome! Don’t hesitate to inquire/get in touch.


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