"Just Nail It" kit

"Just Nail It" kit

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“Just Nail It” kit

The only thing missing is an anatomical wooden hand  and a drill

This kit includes:

35 color-coded acusticks

120 neutral acusticks (fsc certified)

2 hand flashcards

Because most of us learn best by using as many of our senses as possible

we encourage you to craft your own hand and/or engineer advanced acusticks

(enter: clay, beads, toothpicks-flags, stickers, stamps, whatever sparks your brain’s eye)

see FAQ for ideas

Color-coded acusticks

ideal for keeping track of the different pathways

-cinnamon (SI) Shou Tai Yang Xiao Chang Jing

-fiery red (Ht) Shou Shao Yin Xin Jing

-flame orange (P) Shou Jue Yin Xin Bao Jing

-summer fig (SJ, that’s the light orangey one) Shou Shao Yang San Jiao Jing

-oxidized white (Lu) Shou Tai Yin Fei Jing)

-blanc tiger (LI, the white-ish one) Shou Yang Ming Da Chang Jing

plus some of them have colored tips to illustrate 5 phase points